Schedule of Arnold’s birthday party

Saturday, July 30th, 2016

Along with celebrating Arnold’s 69th birthday (Juy, 30, 1947) the “Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum” is commemorating its 5th anniversary on-site in Thal. Another reason for the party is the successful renovation of the “Arnold Schwarzenegger Wanderweg” that was opened back in 2004.
The party takes place on July, 30, 2016 from 10 am – 6 pm in any kind of weather. In case of rain tents will be organised

At 10:30 am the E-Bike charging station will be put into operation in the museum park. In this context the exclusive Arnold Schwarzenegger trolleys from the company “Trolleyboy” will be presented along with a competition.

The start for the walking tour is scheduled for 11 am at the new signpost on the parking lot. Under the special direction of Peter Urdl, a former class mate of Arnold, close friend and museum initiator, every waypoint of the “Arnold Schwarzenegger Wanderweg” will be explained in detail. Highlight of the hike will be the world premiere of the rediscovery of Arnold’s old trainings locations close by the Thalersee at 12:30 pm. There, Arnold’s former trainer Kurt Marnul and colleague Karl Kainrath will tell stories about their time with the “Styrian Oak” until 1:30 pm. Then the programme continues at the museum.

At 2pm the cutting of the birthday cake by Arnold’s friends will take place
From 2:30 pm tickets of each participant are drawn and the 20 winners of the “Trolley-Competition” will be announced.

Culinary delights will be provided